SHINee Fans Thank Super Junior’s Heechul For Indirectly Counting Late Jonghyun As A Member

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SHINee recently appeared on JTBC‘s Knowing Bros in light of their comeback, and SHINee fans are thanking Super Junior‘s Heechul for a subtle gesture he made while talking about SHINee’s past incidents.

shin3“Knowing Bros” | JTBC

SHINee was excited to make their return after taking 3 years off.

shin2| @bumkeyk/Instagram

And as a part of the “enrollment” process, Onew asked the other members to guess what humiliating experience he endured after debuting.


In response, Heechul made multiple guesses, but the subtle way he always included late Jonghyun touched fans.

shin1| SM Entertainment

Heechul’s first guess was that Onew’s embarrassing experience was when the security guards at the airport took care of the other 4 members except for Onew.


And his second guess was that a photo was taken of all 5 members, but only Onew’s face was blurred out, which was the right answer.



Throughout the show, Heechul stressed the fact that there are 5 members in SHINee, and fans expressed their gratitude to Heechul through comments.

  • Heechul, thank you so much for saying there are 5 members in SHINee.
  • I’m so touched that you talked about all 5 members of SHINee.
  • I don’t know why I’m so thankful to Heechul for mentioning all 5 members.
  • I came to the comments just to thank Heechul.

Watch the full clip below:


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