Drama “Dear. M” Cast Cancels Multiple Promotional Schedules In Light Of Actress Park Hye Su’s Controversy

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Actress Park Hye Su had recently been accused of school violence by a group that brands themselves as her victims. Although her agency has denied allegations, the victims are continuing to rally.

As Park Hye Su was set to appear in an upcoming drama, Dear. M, her and the cast were ready to promote the drama on various shows. However, their appearances have since been cancelled as of February 22, 2021, due to the controversy surrounding Park Hye Su.


NCT‘s Jaehyun and Park Hye Su were set to appear on a radio show, Jung Eunji’s Gayo Plaza on February 23rd. However, the appearance was announced to have been annulled. Similarly, the cast including the two, actors Bae Hyun Sung and No Jeong Ui, as well as Lee Jinhyuk from Produce 101 fame, were planned for a recording for Yoo Hee Yeol’s Sketchbook. As it is a music show, the cast’s appearance on the show would have been meaningful as many of the cast originated as singers.

Fans are extremely disappointed at the news. Dear. M is set to air on February 29, 2021 and it marks NCT Jaehyun’s first foray into acting.


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