Here Are 5 Of BTS Jin’s Most Unique Habits That Are Just So Him

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BTS‘s Jin has the cutest quirks and mannerisms that only he does. However, some ARMYs may have picked up on a few of his habits! Check out some of the most “Jin-like” things he can’t stop doing below.

1. Fixing his glasses by twirling his wrist

Every time Jin goes to adjust his glasses, he moves his wrist in a specific way.

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He does it every time. How adorable!

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When a fan pointed out the habit to him, he admitted he didn’t even realize he was doing it.

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2. Instantly becoming serious

You won’t catch Jin slipping!

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Every time he’s caught with a big smile on his face on camera, he immediately puts on a serious look.

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He can try to be cool all he wants…

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…but ARMYs know the truth!

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3. Labeling his phone

Jin is always writing his name on his clear phone cases.

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It might seem like a weird habit, but it actually makes things very convenient for the staff when they hand their phones off to them before going on stage.

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Jin always does things to help out!

unnamed (1)| BigHit Entertainment

4. Bringing plushies everywhere with him

If you know Jin, you know he’s a lover of all things cute.

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Plushies are no exception!

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He often receives them as gifts at fansigns.

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He’s always caught at the airport with them, too!

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5. Taking huge bites when he eats

As a certified foodie, Jin eats in the most delicious way.

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He always takes big bites!

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Like, huge bites.

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He makes everything look so delicious.

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