TREASURE’s Junghwan Had A Strange First Impression Of Junkyu, But He Liked It

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First impressions last, especially if they weren’t the most normal! When TREASURE had an interview with Billboard Korea, they revealed what happened in their first moments with each other.

treasure billboard| Billboard Korea/YouTube

For maknae Junghwan, he was tasked to say what he thought about elder member Junkyu.

junkyu junghwanJunkyu (left) and Junghwan (right) | @treasuremembers/Twitter

Since Junkyu was a long-time YG Entertainment trainee since 2014, he and Junghwan only met four years later. The latter was just 13 years old at the time, so he looked up to all of the hyungs he saw.

Every member here is charming and fabulous, and I tried to behave like them.

— Junghwan

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When he saw Junkyu, however, he knew he was unique even in the way he walked! According to Junghwan, “When I first saw him, Junkyu walked like a zombie.”

To everyone’s surprise, Junghwan found that appealing.

And even that looked very cool! So I walked like him as well.

— Junghwan

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Even the way he greeted the maknae was different from everyone else…and he loved it!

He always received my greetings kindly. And the way he did it was a little unique. Everyone usually said ‘hi’ back to my ‘hi’ but he said ‘eh?’

— Junghwan

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In his eyes, “He was very unique from the beginning.”

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Until today, he looks up to his special Junkyu hyung.


Check out the full video below!


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