I Do…Not? Here’s How 8 Male Idols Reacted To Fans’ Marriage Proposals

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Fans love to propose marriage to their favorite K-Pop idols, whether it’s during an online chat, at a fan meeting, or at a concert. Here’s how these eight male idols answered the question, “Will you marry me?” 

1. Beomgyu (TXT)

txt beomgyu 3

On Weverse, one determined MOA gave Beomgyu two options; “Either marry me or marry me?

txt weverse fan marry me| TXT/Weverse

In reply, Beomgyu said, “yes or yes?” What a lucky fan!

txt beomgyu weverse reply fan marry me| TXT/Weverse

2. Jin (BTS)

If you’re hoping to put a ring on Jin, well, good luck with that. Unlike many of his members, Jin shoots down ARMY’s proposals with cold, hard reality. One time, he told ARMY not to be ridiculous.

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Another time, he flat out refused!

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3. Ju-ne (iKON)

ikon junhoe june

During a live broadcast with fans, a fan asked Ju-ne to marry them. Rather than sweetly agreeing or softening the blow, he just said, “Sorry.” Ouch!

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4. Lay (EXO)


While promoting his second studio album NAMANANA, Lay got the surprise of a lifetime on the show BUILD Series. One fan sent a message into the show asking if Lay would marry her. When the hosts playfully dared her to come on the show, she did!

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“My name is Yasmin. I know we’ve just met but I’m your future wife.”

— Yasmin

The fan, Yasmin, boldly asked for Lay’s hand in marriage.

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Lay Zhang will you marry me? Yes or yes? I don’t take rejection very well but I’m open to suggestions. Maybe like get married later.

— Yasmin

She even got down on one knee and proposed with a ring!

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In reply, Lay sweetly asked the fan to give him time to think about it. After all, it’s an important decision to make!

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I want to be a responsible man. You know? So let me think about this question seriously.

— Lay

5. Jinyoung (GOT7)

During a live broadcast, Jinyoung found a fan’s marriage proposal while reading through the comments.

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Without any hesitation, Jinyoung turned the fan down with an apology…

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…and encouraged them to think a little bit more about what they were asking. His response was the perfect combination of savage and sweet that makes Ahgases love Jinyoung so much!

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6. Jungkook (BTS)

During a live with ARMY, Jungkook replied to a fan’s proposal in a hilariously practical way. He said that if ARMY wants to marry him, they’ll have to bring the paperwork and meet his parents!

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7. Woohyun (INFINITE)


At a fan meeting before his military service began, a teenage fan straight up asked Woohyun how they could win his heart.

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How does one marry a young and rich, tall and handsome, sweet guy like Woohyun?


When Woohyun realized the fan was a minor, he did his best to reject her gently, but that determined INSPIRIT wasn’t about to give up without a fight!

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Woohyun: How old are you?
INSPIRIT: Nineteen.
Woohyun: Oh boy, I don’t think this is something I can answer.
INSPIRIT: But I love you!

The fan, who insisted she would be of age soon, declared that she would carry Woohyun back home with her if she had to!

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INSPIRIT: Let’s get married.
Woohyun: I’ve… never been proposed to before… Let’s hold off for three months…
INSPIRIT: Then I’ll come find you.
Woohyun: (!?)
INSPIRIT: I’m going to bring you home on my back.
Woohyun: On your back? But I’ve… I’ve gained some weight… I’m heavy.

In the end, Woohyun asked the INSPIRIT to wait for him, as he would be going into the military soon.

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INSPIRIT: You have to wait for me, okay?
Woohyun: Well, no… You might have to wait for me…

8. Simon D


One lovestruck fan proposed to Simon D not once, but twice! The female fan, who is 12 years his junior, began pursuing her celebrity crush back in 2013.


Fan: The trend nowadays is to date people who are 12 years apart.

Simon D: What’s this little kid saying?

— Simon D

Seven years later, the fan proposed again, saying, “Oppa, how about you marry me now?”. Once again, Simon D shut her down; “What’s this little kid still saying?” Well, you know what they say; third time’s the charm! 



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