TWICE’s Jihyo Once Revealed Which Member “Never” Returns Her Texts

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The TWICE members can get quite playful during fansigns, which happened when leader Jihyo was asked a particular question.

jihyo phoneTWICE’s Jihyo

During a fansign, Jihyo was asked, “From a leader’s perspective, the member who doesn’t listen well?

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After this question got asked, Nayeon pointed at Chaeyoung, and Chaeyoung said that she listens to Jihyo well. Fans then teased Nayeon and said that she’s the member who doesn’t listen to Jihyo, and Nayeon denied this.

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Jihyo thought about the question for a bit and said that rather than a member listening or not listening well, Tzuyu is the member who never checks their messages. More specifically, Tzuyu takes a long time to reply to people.

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Jihyo then said that she’s not the type of person to order the members around.

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Jihyo passed the question to Jeongyeon, as she’s like the “mother” of the group.

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Jeongyeon then gave a playful answer, as she said that there are “several” members who don’t listen to her.

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Here’s the full video below!


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