SHINee’s Taemin, EXO’s Kai and HOTSHOT’s Timoteo Reunite, Touching Fans With Their Friendship

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SHINee’s Taemin, EXO‘s Kai and HOTSHOT‘s Timoteo are widely known to be the best of friends. Having had a long training period together, the three are as thick as thieves!


On an episode of Rare Taem: 6v6, Taemin decided to call his friends over to have a barbecue party!

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The three were extremely excited to see each other. Look how Taemin lights up upon seeing Kai and Timoteo!

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The three have a set dynamics, according to the show. Kai explained that he was the dad of the group, Timoteo was the mom, and Taemin was the child! Not surprising given that fans know Taemin can be a handful.

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Kai was in charge of grilling the meat. In a moment that will make you go “aww…” he fed his friends some cooked beef, right off the grill.

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Timoteo, on the other hand, was in charge of everything else! Er, with Taemin’s valuable assistance of course.

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It seems like the group is reliant on Timoteo as Taemin kept calling out for his help. While his stage name is Timoteo, his friends call him by his real name, Moongyu.

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The three have kept this friendship up for the longest time, since they all trained in SM Entertainment together as teens.

EjKiAWWU8AMIFDI| @taem_tmi/Twitter

Look forward to more of their antics in the next episode! Meanwhile, catch the full episode below.


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