57-Year-Old American Woman Looks Decades Younger After Jaw-Dropping Plastic Surgery Transformation In Korea

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South Korea has long been a hot spot for those seeking to change their visuals. The country is known for cutting-edge skin care and plastic surgery techniques, as documented by the thousands that flock there for such procedures.

Braun Plastic Surgery is one of the many clinics in the country and recently held a special event seeking to aid a woman outside of their usual audience. Specifically, the doctors targeted older women for a mommy makeover, with a 57-year-old American woman named Evie winning the opportunity.

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Evie stated she wanted her “outside to match the inside” in addition to treating back issues caused by sagging breasts. Evie was photographed for her “before” photos upon her arrival, and it was easy to see the woman’s youthful energy.

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Areas Evie wanted to be addressed in addition to her issues with her breasts were her sagging skin along her jawline and neck and some bulging in her cheeks.

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Overall, Evie had a breast lift with ptosis correction, a SMAS facelift + forehead lift, a lower Blepharoplasty, eyelid fat repositioning, and facial liposuction, leaving her looking a bit like a mummy as she recovered.

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However, the 57-year-old was in high spirits during her recovery time, and once the bandages and swelling went down, Evie transformed from an older woman who was aging well…

5087ea6109e8517c766c040236aa9844_1706232556_6514Evie before | Braun Clinic

…to resembling herself in her thirties was apparent!

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Evie returned to the same photo studio to take her after photos, and her joy was evident in her appearance and how she acted.

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01-Yvie| Braun Clinic 04-Yvie|Braun Clinic

Congratulations to Evie for getting the transformation she desired and her fantastic results!

You can check out the video below.


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