An Unexpected Star Rises To Fame From Han So Hee, Ryu Jun Yeol, and Girl’s Day’s Hyeri Drama

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A surprising star has risen to fame out of the relationship drama that occurred between Han So Hee, Ryu Jun Yeol, and Girl’s Day’s Hyeri.

Snapinsta.app_433100815_605834348416642_7575178540830861076_n_1080 (1)Han So Hee | @xeesoxee/Instagram Snapinsta.app_432358009_1480131109243137_1756524766343778588_n_1080Ryu Jun Yeol | @ryusdb/Instagram Snapinsta.app_434286512_1518898472016599_7853165114057200076_n_1080Girl’s Day’s Hyeri | @hyeri_0609/Instagram

Back on March 15, Han So Hee posted an Instagram story addressing accusations about her relationship with Ryu Jun Yeol in response to Hyeri.

I don’t like people who have a lover,
nor do I give them space, interest,
or establish a relationship under
the guise of friendship,
nor do I meddle in other
people’s relationships.
I like transit dating programs,
but they’re not a part of my life

I find it funny, too.

— Han So Hee

IMG_5630| @xeesoxee/Instagram

However, the pup in the photo has an adorable backstory and is quickly going viral.

aaKangswe | Naver

Meet Kangswe! Reportedly adopted in 2009, he is estimated to be around 15-17 years old.

cc| Naver

The iconic pose in the photo came about when his owners taught him how to hold a remote control vertically with his paw…

[Video could not be displayed]| @Priscillakwon/YouTube

…and eventually swapped out the remote for a toy knife, making a hilarious and meme-worthy memory!

[Video could not be displayed]| @Priscillakwon/YouTube

The photo was actually taken over 10 years ago and has already gone viral before. However, the recent resurgence of it has generated love for the pup worldwide.

bb| Naver 

Recently, Kangswe’s owner shared his love on SNS thanking everyone for their love and interest in his beloved dog. We wish nothing but the best for Kangswe!

GIuTYK-bwAAhOUA| Naver

Check out the full story below.


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