Popular Singer Welcomes Her First Child With Former K-Pop Idol Husband

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Japanese K-Pop singer and actress Yukika Teramoto recently revealed that she has given birth!

Yukika-Neon-1st-Digital-Single-teasers-documents-3Yukika | @yugopa216/Instagram

At the beginning of the year, Yukika announced that she was expecting a child with her husband, former MAP6‘s Kim Minhyuk. This announcement came less than a month after the release of her final album before retirement.

Hello! Happy New Year! I hope 2024 is filled with good luck, peace, and happiness for you all. ✨ Also, while this is pretty personal, I’d like to share that my husband and I are now expecting a baby angel. I’m in the second trimester and believe I’ll give birth in late spring. I’ve been battling some hellish morning sickness, AND I was also mourning a loss. (In Japan, mourning lasts a whole year. I hope you understand.) So, I haven’t been able to share the news until now. Now that I’m in my 30s, I’m experiencing all kinds of new things. But my husband and I will continue facing them together and trying our best!✨

— Yukika

In a post made on March 25, Yukika shared that she had given birth! She shared that she was originally due in April but delivered her baby at 38 weeks and that she was healthy!

You might be suprised sinece we uploaded a video from our gender reveal party a few days ago, but we joyfully welcomed our precious daughter into the world at 38 weeks and 0 days, earlier than the expected April due date, healthy.  Thank you to everyone who has offered kind words of encouragement! Let’s embrace the future as a happy family of three people and two dogs!


Yukika began her entertainment career in Japan in 2006 and became known to K-Pop fans by participating in The Idolmaster KR and Mixnine. She released her first solo K-Pop single in 2019 and married her husband in March 2023.


Snapinsta.app_337443182_609053857932003_4365881577365431304_n_1080| @yugopa216/Instagram

Congratulations to the happy couple.


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