NCT Dream’s Renjun Personally Addresses Weight Gain And Changed Visuals

컨텐츠 정보



NCT Dream’s Renjun is known for his doll-like visuals. Since his debut, he has been popular for his unfaltering beauty.

IMG_4761Renjun | SM Entertainment

Recently, his appearance at a showcase for a comeback drew shock and criticism.


Fans were surprised to see that his overall visuals and impression had changed. His face looked bloated and swollen.


Many attributed this to weight gain, with a few accusations of cosmetic procedures such as fillers or surgery. Some wondered if it was side effects of medication or stress, causing his face to swell. Water retention is a well-known side effect of such causes.

On March 26, 2024, Renjun himself addressed the matter through Dear U. Bubble.

Some could’ve been disappointed at my swollen appearance. But I’m still me, and my voice and dance is still Renjun. For me, weight can be lost. Despite this, thank you so much for still loving me!

— Renjun

The star indirectly reassured fans that it was simply weight gain, and that they did not have to worry. He candidly expressed his thoughts, even thanking fans for still loving him no matter how he looked like. With that, hopefully speculations about the cause for his condition will be put to bed!


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