Fan Tells (G)I-DLE’s Miyeon Not To Date Ugly Men — 5 Funniest Responses

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A fan recently went viral with over 2 million views after telling (G)I-DLE‘s Miyeon not to date ugly men. The topic has been highly debated lately, and many netizens feel that gorgeous female idols have been dating subpar men. A Chinese fan showed Miyeon the message in Korean on her mobile device. Miyeon burst out in laughter before reassuring the fan that she would not do so.

The fan also reinforced their advice in Korean by telling Miyeon “not to do it.” Netizens have been loving the moment, praising the fan for being “real.” Here are 5 of the funniest responses.

1. Women’s rights

This fan suggested making it a slogan.

This message needs to be written down as the slogan for the women’s rights movement.

— 48bori

2. Korean dating news lately…

Another suggested that the fight must be in shock from the recent dating news in Korea.

Seems like that fan was shocked on a few accounts due to Korean dating news.

— ilovech12

3. PSA for women

The message serves to help women!

We need to make this mandatory for women to watch in order to prevent damage.

— snow_hill_

4. BRB, forwarding

5. Fans pray for Miyeon’s taste

Many hoped that Miyeon’s taste would prove to be better than her peers.

Fans claim that they are not concerned about Miyeon, as she has previously stated that she wants to date someone like herself. As one of her generation’s great beauties, we’re sure her future beau would be handsome too!


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