Speculation Surrounding Actress’s Adulterous Affair Leads To Startling Revelation

Netizens continued to speculate the timeline of Kim Min Hee‘s adulterous affair with famed director Hong Sang Soo.

On March 25, a post titled “When Kim Min Hee And Hong Sang Soo Started Dating” went viral. Kim Min Hee and Hong Sang Soo became the center of controversy when in, 2016, it was revealed that they were dating, while the director was still married.

In the post, the netizen cites an article which claimed that the couple started dating while Kim Min Hee was filming for Hong Sang Soo’s acclaimed movie, Right Now, Wrong Then.
According to reports, they first started dating while she was filming Right Now, Wrong Then.
— Netizen
The netizen then expressed her discomfort with the couple’s age gap.
The movie was filmed in January 2015, which means Kim Min Hee was 33 at the time as she was born in 1990, and Hong Sang Soo was 55 at the time as he was born in 1968. I can’t believe a person born in 1968 is dating someone born in 1990… They have been dating for 9 years… I don’t want to know anymore.
— Netizen
Netizens commented on the post, expressing their own disdain for the couple and their age gap.
- Wow, she was my age.
- But I guess she has good chemistry with the director as her career is still going strong.
- Wow, crazy, lol.
- Hong Sang Soo is a legend for being old but looking even older.
- She was born in 1990. She had so much going for her… She filmed the movie well and then ruined her career.
- F@ck, I hate this. I really liked her since her debut, but she became somebody’s mistress.
- Wow, imagine if a celebrity born in 1968 had an affair with someone born in 1990 today, lol.
- Yuck.
- That’s the age difference between my parents and I.
What are your thoughts?