Fans Find Clues That IZ*ONE’s Hitomi Is To Join K-Pop Girl Group tripleS

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Fans suspect that IZ*ONE‘s Honda Hitomi will be making a comeback to K-Pop. During an episode of SIGNAL, tripleS gathered at a house in Gapyung. Member Suah announced that the last four members of the group would be revealed at the house.

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 1.02.13 PM

The new members were teased as cuts of them walking in were shown. While no faces were shown yet, many guessed that one of the new members would be Hitomi. This is due to a scar that can be seen on her leg. In the short teaser, the scar is mildly obscured by her socks.

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 1.02.17 PM

Looking at a recent photo from Hitomi, the same scar can be seen on her leg.

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 1.02.24 PM

tripleS will have a total of 24 members and will promote both together and as a unit. They have been revealing members slowly over since 2022, and will finally be complete in 2024. On the other hand, Hitomi debuted in AKB48, before promoting in IZ*ONE after winning Produce 48. IZ*ONE was a temporary group that disbanded. She returned to her original group before graduating in January 28, 2024.




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