4 Times Celebrities Faced Backlash For Comments Made About K-Pop Idols

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There have been many moments when fans got upset at celebrities due to their comments about K-Pop idols. Here are four moments when celebrities faced backlash for comments made about K-Pop idols.

1. Pink Panda’s Natya receiving backlash for calling BLACKPINK’s Jennie “lazy”

pandaPink Panda’s Natya | @natyashina/Instagram

jennieBLACKPINK’s Jennie

Natya Shina is a member of Pink Panda, a dance crew that covers BLACKPINK’s choreographies. However, she received some backlash when she made comments on how she thinks that Jennie dances “lazily”.


BLINKs (BLACKPINK’s fandom) were upset about this, as it was recently revealed that Jennie dances “lazily” due to her history with ankle injuries.


When BLINKs asked Natya to apologize for her comments made about Jennie, she refused and chose to insult BLINKs.



A lot of BLINKs ended up getting upset, and many criticized her for her comments.

2. Actress Shallon Lester receiving backlash for comments made about BTS and MONSTA X

shannonShallon Lester


monstaMONSTA X

Actress Shallon Lester received a lot of backlash due to her comments about BTS and MONSTA X. In a now-deleted video, she commented on how BTS “looked like women”.

We have the women of BTS. I don’t get it. I don’t – Look at these people. I don’t even know what to call them, boys or girls, because I don’t know what they are.

— Shallon Lester

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She also received backlash when she held up a photo of MONSTA X and stated that they “looked just like BTS”.

You can’t fool me, this is also BTS. You might say that it’s Monsta X, but they have the same haircut, they’ve got the same weird contacts, there’s no way that these are different people. There’s just no way these are different people.

— Shallon Lester

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Her comments didn’t sit well with fans, as they criticized her for her “racist” and “ignorant” comments.

3. Twitch streamer BJ Tubo receiving backlash for sexually harassing IU

yooBJ Tubo


Yang Joo Hwan, also known as BJ Tubo, is a Twitch streamer and YouTuber. During one live broadcast, he was shown a photo of IU and then commented, “Hey, I’ll put IU in” and made a thrusting gesture toward the camera.


Many felt that he crossed the line with this comment and gesture, and he received a lot of backlash from fans. This caused BJ Tubo to release an apology.

I feel apologetic for making you feel uncomfortable with my disgraceful action.

I will not flee from my mistake but rather face it head-on, and I’ll be sure to change my excessive image and concept so that such things do not occur again.

I apologize to IU and the other BJs for involving them in my remark, and I’ll be sure to give you separate apologies.

I’m truly sorry.

— BJ Tubo

4. Anne Hegerty receiving backlash for calling BTS “fundamentally not important”

anneAnne Hegerty


British TV personality Anne Hegerty from The Chase received quite a bit of backlash due to her comments made about BTS. It began when news came out that BTS would be delivering a message of hope at the 75th UN General Assembly. The Economist senior editor Anne McElvoy responded by tweeting, “Please no”.


Anne McElvoy faced a lot of backlash for the comment, which led her to apologize and say that it was a misunderstanding.

However, Anne Hegerty responded to Anne McElvoy’s apology and called BTS “fundamentally not important”.

All this about a little Korean boy band that’s fundamentally not important?

— Anne Hegerty


This caused Anne Hegerty to receive a lot of criticism, as many defended BTS and talked about their impact on the world.


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