Thai Police Disgusted By 20-Year Old Collection Of The Man They Arrested

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Police in Thailand were shocked by what they found after they arrested a wanted man.

On February 12, 2024, police from the Bang Yi Khan Police Station caught a pervert in the act after a woman filed a theft report the previous night. She recounted the story of how she had hung her underwear on her balcony as usual, not thinking anything of it considering the steel bars that protected her window. To her surprise, she found them missing soon afterwards.

article32120161Bang Yi Khan Police Station | Google Maps

The police gathered the CCTV footage of the area and pinpointed the culprit. The man, called Nuttawut in local media, was seen reaching his hand through the gaps in the bars and snatching the underwear with deft hands.

Officers raided his room which turned out to be the same apartment block that the victim lived in as he worked in the area as a technician. Upon arresting him, they chanced upon a large stash of evidence supporting his perverted criminal history.

There were 591 articles of clothing in his apartment. It included 516 lingerie pieces, 72 female panties, and three sets of women’s pajamas. He was forced to pose beside the police in an “embarrassing” photograph that circulated all over the country.

article32120121| ThaiRath

He admitted to these exhibitionist crimes, telling the media that he began stealing women’s underwear and using them for his personal pleasure when he was 18 years old. Though he was caught once 10 years ago, the victim dropped the charges and he continued his undercover escapades.

He faces two charges for violating Section 365 of the Criminal Law by trespassing on the property of another person at night.


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