IVE’s Wonyoung Reveals A Shocking Piece Of Her Past Living Outside Of Korea

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IVE‘s Wonyoung is known for her flawless English skills.

Fans have attributed this to her growing up at an English preschool. In Korea, English preschools are kindergartens that focus more on the English language, although by no means is it a substitute for the curriculum. They simply provide early exposure to the language. She talked about this on variety shows before.

For the first time ever, Wonyoung revealed that she used to live in America when she was younger. As the star visited Atlanta for her group’s world tour, she shared the precious memories with fans on Dear U. Bubble.

GJPZb0haEAAkwlu| @wonyofeed/X
  • I stayed in Atlanta for a long period of time when I was younger, so my memories are making me so touched now.
  • I was excited even before I came.
  • The memories of my past here are so precious and great.
  • I’d love to make precious and beautiful memories here on tour with IVE too.

Although it is unclear if she lived in the city or if she was there on a long term visit, fans are thrilled at this new piece of information.



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