An Adult Video’s School-Aged Incest Concept Featuring A 136 CM Tall Actress Sparks International Outrage 

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When it comes to adult content, a concept that has maintained popularity is the “schoolgirl” image. This can be seen in more mature Halloween costumes geared toward adults who take the look and sexualize it.

womens-green-plaid-school-girl-costumeUnrelated school girl costume | Halloween Costumes

The schoolgirl aesthetic has been debated for as long as it has existed; however, a recently announced adult video has caused international outrage due to its content and actress featured.

In December 2023, a video titled Daddy’s Indoctrination — Twisted Daily Life Of Love Between Father And His Beloved Daughter was released by Japanese adult video producer SOD Create. The video’s cover shows what appears to be a young school-aged girl standing between her mother and father while dressed in a uniform.

IMG_5832| SOD Creates

If it was not obvious from the title, the video is about a father’s manipulation of his daughter into performing sexual acts with him. In the description, the actress’ character is listed vaguely as “school-aged” (though some list her as a high school freshman).


In breathtaking 4K quality, watch Yuka, a _ grader at _ , get intimate with her father since she was too young to understand what was happening. She doesn’t realize that what they are doing is wrong; it just feels natural to her. Their secret encounters happen without their mother knowing anything about them. *Everything was part of her father’s plan, but his extreme love for her made him unwilling to share her with anyone else.*

— Video description

The young girl is actress Yuka Miyoshi, who debuted in the industry in 2023. Her age is not publicly displayed on most sites, including her own X account, but her small stature, 136 cm (4’5), is highlighted.


IMG_5834 (1)

In caps from the video, it is easy to see how the actress’s small stature and appearance lend themselves to the role, making many uncomfortable with just how young she looks.


For comparison, according to Cincinnati Children’s, 4’5 or 54 inches is among the average heights listed for girls 8-10 years old. This, combined with the video’s ambiguous aging of Miyoshi, has caused many online to consider the video a “legal” way of depicting CSEM or Child Sexual Exploitment Material.

ECPAT International, an organization working to end the sexual exploitation of children, describes “computer or digitally generated” CSEM as content that does not involve the real abuse of children but uses various methods to make it appear as if it does and has listed the dangers of such content.

Screen Shot 2024-03-21 at 5.59.10 PM| ECPAT International

International netizens reacted with outrage to a post on X criticizing the adult video, listing some of the above reasons.

While it is legal for adults to do as they please, the implications behind content are always something that will be examined.


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