The Gorgeous Female “Physical: 100” Contestant That Took On A Man — And Won

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The newest season of the Netflix hit Physical: 100 is finally here, and netizens have been enjoying the content so far. Titled Physical: 100 The Underground, there are a few differences in how the challenges and episodes progress while maintaining the acts of physicality audiences love.


Contestant-wise, this year saw some firsts, including the first K-Pop idol contestant and athletes outside of the stereotypical ideas of strength.

The First “Physical: 100” Idol Contestant Promotes His Group And The K-Pop Industry Until The Very End

There have also been some massive surprises, including a female athlete challenging a male athlete in a challenge.

Following the first eliminations in episode one, the contestants select who they’d like to face for a one-on-one challenge where the goal is to hang on to the ball until the time runs out. The top 25 contestants from the first challenge are allowed to pick the person they go up against.

Contestant Shim Yu Ri chooses to take on Hunter Lee, an American FBI agent, much to the surprise of the rest of the cast.

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The match begins, and Lee appears not to hold back, immediately lifting Shim to dislodge her grip on the ball. The two fiercely wrestle over the ball for the entirety of the three minutes…

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…however, Shim Yu Ri manages to hold on, defeating Hunter Lee and eliminating him from the competition!

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Looking at Shim Yu Ri’s background, it is no surprise how well she performed in this challenge. The 29-year-old MMA fighter made her professional debut in 2017 after training in multiple disciplines, including Muay Thai.

She is the current ROAD FC title holder in the Atomweight division.




Since her 2021 win, the fighter has not fought in any matches and instead pursued CrossFit-style training. Shim appears also to enjoy all sorts of physical activities and is active on YouTube, where she posts lifestyle and training vlogs.

At one point, she said she considered retiring due to an injury and financial issues. Thankfully, she did not, and her upcoming match against Rena Kubota on March 23, 2024, will be her debut in the Japan-based RIZEN Fighting Federation.

And with her status as a fan favorite of Physical:100, even more eyes will be on her comeback!

Check out more of the female contestants below!

Meet The Bad*ss Female Contestants Of “Physical 100” Season 2


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