How The Japanese Twins Who Spent $315,000 On Plastic Surgery Looked Before Their Transformation

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A set of twins in Japan went viral for their incredible physical transformations.

Chie and Chika Yoshikawa (previously known as Guri and Gura Yoshikawa) are models who gained a sizeable following on the Japanese side of social media after availing of plastic surgery multiple times.


They candidly post about their plastic surgery choices for their fans’ knowledge, talking about getting botox, hyaluronic acid injections, face lifts, and more.

I was surprised my chin got so sharp. My face became small, I’m happy.

 Chika Yoshikawa 


Before going under the knife and learning to use filters on their photos, the twins looked remarkably different. They sported the natural dark hair and facial features of Japanese women.

According to them, their obsession with changing their appearance began when they were children. They became conscious of their visuals after being compared to each other countless times, looking in the mirror to identify their flaws.


Together, they’ve spent upwards of $315,000 USD on the work done on their faces and bodies. They have altered their noses, the skin under their eyes, cheekbones, nasolabial folds, and more.


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