Fans Are Loving KISS OF LIFE’s Low-Budget But Captivating Comeback Concept

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Rookie girl group KISS OF LIFE is gearing up for their upcoming comeback, MIDAS TOUCH, which is set to come out on April 4. This will be their first single album since they debuted in July last year.


In the days leading up to the new release, they’ve been starting to share tease images for the comeback concept, and fans are already loving them!

Earlier today, S2 Entertainment began sharing teasers of the members, and despite what appears to be a low-budget set-up, the images turned out gorgeous.

p1Natty and Julie (KISS OF LIFE) | S2 Entertainment p2| S2 Entertainment

Fans have been particularly loving that Natty and Julie have gone blonde for this concept, and both of them look incredibly gorgeous in the new shade.

p3| S2 Entertainment p4| S2 Entertainment

In fact, Haneul is the only one who has dark hair in the photos, as Belle also is seen with lighter hair for the comeback.

p5Belle and Haneul (KISS OF LIFE) | S2 Entertainment p6| S2 Entertainment

Some fans are suspecting the theme of the comeback will somehow involve the red string of fate, a legend in which two people who are connected by an invisible thread are destined to find each other.

p7| S2 Entertainment p8| S2 Entertainment

Here’s how netizens are reacting to the concept pictures on a forum post about the comeback!





Fans have also been reacting overwhelmingly positively on Reddit.






Are you excited for this comeback?


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