Fact Check: Did A Chinese Sasaeng Put ENHYPEN’s Bath Water On Sale?

컨텐츠 정보



ENHYPEN recently visited China for a fansign. The crowd control was terrible, with many gathering at the carpark of their hotel. Not only did they rush the vans that the members were traveling in, but they also engaged in rowdy behavior.

They shockingly also used the time before ENHYPEN arrived to participate in random dance challenges. This all occured in the public carpark of the hotel.

The most shocking news to arise from their China trip was a netizen who claimed to have obtained ENHYPEN’s bath water. They claimed to have done so through a connection, retrieving water from their bathrooms in their hotels. They started the bid at 999,999 RMB (USD $138,921).

GI4SwZcbEAA7ipx| Via @rikkittalgi/X

Many fans believed this to be true, as another similar incident where someone tried to sell IVE Wonyoung‘s hair occured recently.

IVE Wonyoung’s Hair Strands Put Up For Auction Online

Although many were upset to see this, it turned out to be false news. Although fans were unable to locate the original sales post for the bath water as it had seemingly been taken down, another fan had managed to locate a similar post. This post claimed to have personal bath items used by ENHYPEN in the hotel for sale, such as toothbrushes and towels. As they began to invite criticism, they later updated their status to reveal it had all been a lie. They posted the status “I faked all of this. I lied abt this.”

GI4-h1sb0AAce5r| @02zdream/X

A couple of fans had jokingly uploaded such posts onto a secondhand sales site as part of a running joke in the Chinese fan community. As the posts spread to international waters, they finally had to rein it in and clarify that it had been jokes and lies.


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