Han So Hee’s Agency Releases Statement Addressing Ryu Jun Yeol Backlash

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Han So Hee‘s agency released a statement amid controversy.

52405421907_4b1567c130_oHan So Hee | Pinterest

On March 18, Han So Hee’s agency, 9ATO Entertainment, addressed the many allegations and controversies surrounding the actress.

In their statement, the agency revealed Han So Hee was going through a hard time due to the rumors and malicious comments surrounding her relationship with Ryu Jun Yeol.

Because Han So Hee is an actress, we felt that the public’s interest in her was natural, and we tried our best to repay the love and support from fans.

However, before she is an actress she is a person first, and she is currently going through a very difficult time due to the malicious rumors and unfounded speculations.

— 9ATO Entertainment

The agency then revealed that they would take legal action against those harassing the actress and asked fans to send in evidence of it taking place before apologizing to fans for the controversy.

We will hence take legal action against those who defame and slander our artist. We ask that you send evidence to 9ato_protect@naver.com.

We are deeply reflecting on causing concern over the actress’s relationship, and we will take care of our actress and guide her to the right course. We will also do our best to prioritize protecting our artists first.

— 9ATO Entertainment

Stay tuned for updates.




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