Chungha Explains Why Exactly She Gave Extremely Expensive Gifts To Her Dancers

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Chungha has finally returned to the music industry after several years of hiatus. She is famous for having released songs such as “Gotta Go,” “Snapping,” and “Roller Coaster.”

In an interview with Radio Star, she recounted her viral gift choice to her dancers. She gave them luxury Louis Vuitton handbags out of the blue in 2019. This surprised the cast members considering how expensive a single bag is.


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Chungha explained that she chose this expensive path without any regrets. After all, she was earning a significant amount thanks to the viral success of “Gotta Go” and the team was made up of a manageable five gift recipients.

There was a time when I was super busy and they were as busy as me so I felt so grateful. I thought, ‘When else will I earn this much?’ I was like, ‘I should use it now!’ So I flexed like that.


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She loved being able to give back to her dancers who she also considers her long-time close friends.

And the dancers were my friends since middle school so they’ve been with me during promotions until now. We got friendship rings together and exchanged gifts.



In response, the cast members couldn’t help but say that she was “an amazing person.” Check out the full video below!


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