5 Female Idols Who Broke Society Standards And Chose To Perform Shirtless

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The women of K-Pop are usually styled immaculately, from their hair to their makeup to their outfits, every single detail is planned out by their stylist. Sometimes, they break out of the mold and empower themselves to break societal norms and gender expectations, in this case, by performing shirtless on stage! After all, if the men of K-Pop can do it, why can’t they?

1. MAMAMOO’s Solar

During an appearance on Yoo Hee Yeol’s Sketchbook, MAMAMOO‘s Solar shared why she tore her shirt open after performing BTS‘s “Fire”. She explained, “After seeing many male idols ripping their shirts on stage, I wondered, ‘Why can’t girls do that too’?

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2. Former WA$$UP Member Dain

Back in 2017, Dain left the audience stunned when she removed her shirt at the end of her performance. Truly an unbothered queen.

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3. HyunA

HyunA is known for her risk-taking. From flipping her skirt up to wearing a wet tank while performing, HyunA never hesitates to be unapologetically true to herself—which we absolutely love! There have been several occasions in which HyunA performed shirtless, including one at the Midnight Picnic 2018 Festival and another time during a performance at the Seoul National University of Science and Technology.

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4. Kwon Eunbi


Kwon Eunbi went viral in June 2023 following her performance at the year’s Waterbomb series. While she was wearing a shirt, it did very little in covering her figure.


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During Waterbomb 2022, BIBI began her performance of “Cigarette and Condom” as normal, but roughly two-thirds of the way into the song, she decided to spice it up and take off her shirt, leaving her only with a bikini top.

It takes a lot of courage to be bold enough to go against the grain. Props to these ladies for being true to themselves and standing up to the expectations of society! Are there any other moments a woman of K-Pop has wowed you with her boldness and bravery to do the unexpected?


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