Wendy Names Her Favorite Red Velvet Songs

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Red Velvet‘s Wendy recently made her long-awaited solo comeback, releasing her second mini-album, Wish You Hell, on March 12.

432447954_1114941009642095_4656294481174902299_nRed Velvet’s Wendy | @todayis_wendy/Instagram

To celebrate the release, Wendy appeared on the newer variety show Curator. For the show, Curator host HoonD takes guests through an “art museum” filled with pieces that reference specific stories about the episode’s featured guest.

As she answered questions about her first solo comeback, she discussed what it is like to promote on her own, her mischievous childhood, what it’s like being a member of an “introverted” group, and more.

sddefault (2)HoonD (left) and Red Velvet’s Wendy (right) | 큐레이터 – Curator/YouTube

While viewing the second art piece, which was a red velvet cake, HoonD asked Wendy to name the Red Velvet song she liked best, and the talented main vocalist named her top three song choices.

3. “Feel My Rhythm”

For her third favorite Red Velvet song, Wendy named the group’s popular 2022 single “Feel My Rhythm.”

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2. “Red Flavor”

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Red Velvet released “Red Flavor” in 2017, and the fun song quickly became a smash hit. Wendy considers it her second favorite song by the group, explaining that it goes well with summer and red food.

1. “Happiness”

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Finally, Wendy named Red Velvet’s first single, “Happiness,” as her favorite song because it was what made Red Velvet possible.

Check out the full Curator episode below!


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