Han So Hee’s Past Mention Of Ryu Jun Yeol Resurfaces Amid Dating Rumors

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Han So Hee‘s past post about Ryu Jun Yeol is being re-examined.

restmb_idxmake.phpRyu Jun Yeol | Korea Herald Snapinsta.app_432384470_1128437308591904_6663119853121545128_n_1080Han So Hee | @xeesoxee/Instagram

On March 15, Han So Hee and Ryu Jun Yeol were alleged to be dating.

Netizens React To Han So Hee And Ryu Jun Yeol’s Alleged Relationship

The rumors stem from a tourist who allegedly witnessed the stars together in Hawaii. According to the tourist, the couple were being affectionate by the pool of a resort.

Tourist Who Witnessed Han So Hee And Ryu Jun Yeol “Frolicking” Makes Shocking Claim

Now it is being reported that evidence of the couple being together goes back months. The reports reveal that the actress had visited Ryu Jun Yeol’s art exhibition in November.

img_20240315091330_72633653Han So Hee at Ryu Jun Yeol’s exhibit | Wikitree 

At the time, Ryu Jun Yeol had recently broken up with Hyeri. The photo exhibition marked a new beginning for the actor.

img_20240315091347_d206ca73Ryu Jun Yeol at his photo exhibit | Wikitree img_20240315091345_09ee3124wikitree

Meanwhile, Han So Hee and Ryu Jun Yeol’s respective agencies have spoken up on the rumors. You can read them in the link below.

Han So Hee And Ryu Jun Yeol’s Agencies Respond To Their Dating Rumors


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