Netizens Can’t Get Over ASTRO Cha Eunwoo’s Visual Development Between Debut And Now

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ASTRO‘s Cha Eunwoo is universally regarded as one of the most handsome faces in the K-Pop world. Even if he’s not your type, it’s impossible to deny that he’s incredibly good-looking!

Cha-Eunwoo-x-Chaumet-for-W-Korea-documents-1Cha Eunwoo (ASTRO)

His most recent project outside of K-Pop is the K-Drama Wonderful World, an ongoing series that premiered on March 1. The show is about a mother who decides to pursue justice on her own when the legal system fails her following the tragic loss of her son, and Eunwoo plays the role of Kwon Seon Yul, a mysterious person from a wealthy family that now lives a rough life after losing his parents.

Though he lives a rough life as this character, Eunwoo still looks impossibly handsome, and some fans haven’t been able to help but compare him to how he looked during ASTRO’s early days during the beginning of his idol career!

He has always been good-looking, though when he was younger he had a slightly softer and more “innocent” aura about him. Fans have commented on his “fluffy” cheeks back then, when he was just 18/19 years old.


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Now, though he still retains the gorgeousness he has always had, fans have been swooning over how rugged and mature he’s been looking with his role in Wonderful World.

n1| @eunwo.o_c/Instagram n2| @eunwo.o_c/Instagram

When when he’s not styled for the role, Eunwoo radiates a mature kind of handsomeness that he has definitely developed more as he’s gotten older.

n6| Instiz



It’s no wonder there are so many people that just can’t get over how stunning Eunwoo is, in pictures and in person!

n5| Instiz

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The comparisons between his early idol days and how he looks now were discussed on an online forum post, and this is what fans had to say about the evolution of Eunwoo.











We’re sure that Eunwoo will only continue to become more handsome with time, as he has already done!


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