A Fan Shares Heartfelt Letter Received From The Parent Of A Young IU Fan At Concert

A handwritten letter by a mother who sent her daughter to the IU concert alone has gained much attention online. The letter garnered tons of positive responses from fans worldwide, revealing the heartwarming fan culture of K-Pop.
According to the post, a fan shared that an elementary school student sat beside them during the concert.
A kid who looked to be in elementary school sat next to me and handed me some snacks, saying it was their first time at a concert. The kid seemed to enjoy the concert, and after it was over, I helped her pack her things before going home. But when I got home and opened the snacks, I found a letter written by her mom. I’ve gone to many concerts, but it’s my first time receiving something like this. I was so touched.
아이유 콘서트 내 옆에 애기 혼자 왔는데 pic.twitter.com/4jHiTa3CXV
— 짤 주워오는 펭귄 (@jjal_penguin) March 9, 2024
They also shared the letter online, touching many netizens and fans.
Hello UAENA! I am the mother of the child going to IU’s concert for the first time. We were lucky enough to score tickets to the concert. Since tickets were only one per person, I had no choice but to send her alone. Although a guardian also went to the concert, their seats were not close together. (I (the mom) failed at scoring tickets).
Honestly, I had many worries about sending her. I was worried that it would be dangerous or that she would be a bother to the other fans, but I couldn’t cancel her ticket, knowing just how much she loves IU. I’ve also tried teaching the basic etiquette for concerts, but because we as parents have never attended a concert before, we might not have taught her everything she needs to know. If my child does something by accident, please let her know. If she did something wrong, she probably did not do it intentionally, as it was her first time at a concert. I apologize. Please forgive her with an open heart. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys the concert and thank you for reading this long letter.
Fans that read the post were touched and even shared their first time concert experiences.
나 콘서트 처음 갔을 때 (17살) 조금 일찍 입장해서 앞뒤양옆 언니들한테 콘서트 처음이라 미리 죄송하다고 했는데 그때부터 갑자기 간식들과 휴지들과 물들이 사방에서 날아왔었음… 으웅 세상은 아직 다정해.. https://t.co/G31CfnAWlM
— 김두콩
(@_2kong717) March 10, 2024
When I went to my first concert at 17, I arrived early and told the people around me that I was sorry in advance as it was my first concert, but then snacks, tissues, and water started coming from all directions. The world is still kind…
콘서트갈때마다 주변에 항상 나이 나랑 10살덩도 차이나는 언니들이엿는데 모두가 날 저 애기처럼 대해줌 ㅆㅂ.. 울면 끌어안고 눈물닦아주고 기침하면 물따주고 심지어 먹여주려하고 감동받아있으면 손잡아주고 흥분해서 소리지르면 같이 웃어줌 ㅆㅂ 캐랜때왼쪽웅니는 한살차이엿는디 같이 흥붐함 https://t.co/C1FEEv84y7
— 서원 (@wonilnyeo) March 10, 2024
Whenever I go to a concert, there are always girls around me who are 10 years older than me, but they all treat me like a baby. They hug me when I cry, wipe my tears, open my water bottle when I cough, and even try to feed me, hold my hand when I am touched, and laugh when I scream with excitement. At one concert, a fan was one year older than me, so we had fun together.
예전에 나 중2때 이것저것 챙겨준 언니들 생각난다
난 우물안 개구리였어서
혼자서 어딜 가본적이 없었던 아이라 중학교때까지도 우리지역 밖을 나가본적이 없었거든..
심지어 핸드폰도 없었음…
근데 콘서트가 너무 가고싶어서 팬카페로 같이갈사람을 구하고 내가 핸드폰이 없어서 https://t.co/L5CNew77dQ— 서음
(@Myuduckee) March 10, 2024
Wow, I remember the older girls who took care of me when I was in middle school. Because I was a frog in the well I had never been anywhere by myself, so I never went outside of our area until middle school. I didn’t even have a cell phone… But I really wanted to go to the concert, so I went to the fan cafe to find someone to go with me, because I didn’t have a phone.
While the story touched many, some also felt that it was unfortunate that the mother couldn’t go as getting tickets for IU’s concert was very difficult due to the increase of ticket scalpers. On the other hand, IU will continue her world tour and continue to meet with fans all over the world.