5 K-Pop Idols Graduating From Middle School This Year

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While most of us spent our middle school years studying and socializing, some South Korean middle schoolers have already taken to the stage as famous idols. These five starlets are all celebrating their middle school graduations this year.

1. Ni-Ki (ENHYPEN)

Born on December 9, 2005, ENHYPEN’s 15-year-old maknae and main dancer Ni-Ki is set to graduate middle school this year. However, he’s the only ENHYPEN member whose current school status is unknown.

msgrads2021_1a| BE:LIFT Lab

According to reports, Ni-Ki may still be registered at his old middle school in Japan, which means he’ll likely graduate online sometime in March.

msgrads2021_1b| BE:LIFT Lab

2. Junghwan (TREASURE)

15-year-old Junghwan, the vocalist and maknae of TREASURE, was born on February 18, 2005.

msgrads2021_2a| YG Entertainment

He officially graduated from Shinsu Middle School—the same school 2NE1‘s Minzy and BTOB‘s Minhyuk went to—on January 11 this year.


3. Zoa (Weeekly)

Weeekly’s rapper, visual, vocalist, and maknae Zoa, who was born on May 31, 2005, is currently 15-years-old.

msgrads2021_3a| Play M Entertainment

Zoa left her first middle school to pursue her dreams of becoming an idol. On February 4 this year, she officially graduated from Hanyang University Middle School, which was also attended by actress Jo Soo Hyang.


4. Soul (P1Harmony)

Born on February 1, 2005, P1Harmony’s 16-year-old rapper and dancer Soul may be graduating from middle school this year.

msgrads2021_4a| FNC Entertainment

However, it’s unknown whether the Japanese-born starlet is currently enrolled in a South Korean school. The group’s maknae, Jongseob, already graduated from middle school after taking his GED.

msgrads2021_4b| @P1H_members/Twitter

5. Jieun (Busters)

15-year-old Jieun, the current main rapper and vocalist of Busters, was born on March 5, 2005.

msgrads2021_5a| JTG Entertainment

Jieun’s current school enrollment is unknown, but judging by her age, it’s likely she’ll be graduating middle school this month.

msgrads2021_5b| JTG Entertainment


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