Here Are 5 Of The Most Beautiful Female Idols Unedited IRL, Voted By Idols

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From surveys conducted from 2011 to 2020, these female idols were voted as some of the most beautiful celebrities by male and female idols. Check out the 5 stunning women who ranked first place throughout the years!

1. Irene (Red Velvet)

Irene received first place as the female idol with the best visuals in 2018.

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However, in the surrounding years, she never veered from the top 3 places!

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jjaltheqoo| jjaltheqoo/Tistory 

Irene’s beauty can easily be seen in unedited, candid pictures.

baeby329 twt| @baeby329/Twitter

irenerv30329| @irenerv30329/Twitter

jjaltheqoo tistory| jjaltheqoo/Tistory

2. Tzuyu (TWICE)

Tzuyu took the title of first place in 2019.

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Ever since her debut, she never placed lower than the top 5.

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Tzuyu’s visuals only get more beautiful as she matures!

Tzuyu-1| @tzuyujpgs/Twitter

3. Yoona (Girls’ Generation)

Yoona has achieved first place in the polls over 6 times!

YOONADDICTcom Twitter| @YOONADDICTcom/Twitter

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She has the perfect combination of a gorgeous face…

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…and model-like proportions!

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4. Suzy (Miss A)

Suzy took home the title of first place in 2017.

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Every year before that she achieved second place.


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In real life, you can’t miss her ethereal beauty.

Download_2016_10_16_21_45_30| @baesuzypictures/Twitter

download| @baesuzypictures/Twitter

5. Jiyeon (T-ARA)

Jiyeon won first place for her visuals in 2012.

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Her big eyes give her the visuals of a doll.

8615e7257b5b920b744262c936dbd9ed| @archivejiyeon/Twitter

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Up close, she almost looks too perfect to be real!

photo-1-15882359478411163331386| @archivejiyeon/Twitter


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