Rapper Swings Reacts To BTS’s Jungkook Bringing Back His Usain Bolt Meme

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BTS‘s Jungkook brought back a five-year-old meme in the latest episode of Run BTS!

jk| Run BTS!/Weverse

In Episode 127, BTS struggled through the “Lucky Seven” game they started in the previous episode. This involved hula hooping, stacking cups, and other simple but insanely difficult challenges.

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Toward the end of the show, Jimin and Jungkook made their closing remarks as sulkily worked on his penalty: a solo game of dominos. “If you want to do something, try hard until the end!” Jimin advised.

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This inspired Jungkook to say, “Do you know why Usain Bolt was Number 1? Because he went until the end.” Usain Bolt is a famous sprinter, widely regarded as the greatest sprinter in history.

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The Golden Maknae was referencing a quote by rapper Swings. In 2016, Swings mentioned Usain Bolt during his performance at a university. He said, “Do you know why Usain Bolt is the fastest runner in the world? It’s because he went all the way.” 

justmusicSwings | Just Enterprises/Facebook

Soon after, the quote went viral in Korea. It was so popular that Swings and rapper Han Yo Han even turned it into a song with a funny track and field themed music video.

swingsSwings and Han Yo Han in “Usain Bolt” MV | JustEnterprises/Youtube

Not long after Run BTS! aired, Swings shared a clip of Jungkook and wrote, “Whoa, BTS’s Jungkook-nim. Daebak, man.”


How’s that for a stamp of approval?


Find out what else happened on Run BTS! this week here, or check out Swings’ music video below:


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