Red Flag? Kim Jin Young’s Most Divisive “Single’s Inferno” Moments

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Kim Jin Young (also known as Dex) first joined the Single’s Inferno universe as a cast member in Season 2. Since then, fans have gotten to know him better through variety shows and as a Single’s Inferno 3 host.

During Single’s Inferno 2, Jin Young instantly became the most popular man with the female contestants, but some of his actions rubbed viewers the wrong way. Here are 10+ of his most divisive moments.

1. When Jin Young and Yoong Jae laughed about Se Jeong being the “girl crush.”

While talking to Yoong Jae about Se Jeong, Jin Young referred to her as the “girl crush.” The “girl crush” concept in South Korea typically refers to women who are “independent” and attractive to other women. By using this term, the men communicated that rather than seeing Se Jeong as a potential love interest, they saw her more as competition.

Screen Shot 2023-01-11 at 11.47.00 AMJin Young (left) and Yoong Jae (right) | Netflix Screen Shot 2023-01-11 at 11.46.32 AM| Netflix

2. Every time Jin Young let his date carry her own luggage

Even if he initially offered to carry it, he would always let the woman carry it if she said she was “okay,” although most were clearly struggling. Keep in mind walking up the steps was actually quite difficult to leave Inferno, so carrying the luggage would make it even harder.

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3. When he let Seul Ki open the door for him

Seul Ki herself pointed this out later while watching the episode.

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4. Jin Young’s tribal tattoo and his explanation for it

Some viewers called out his cultural appropriation as he showed off his tattoo, inspired by Indigenous tribal tattoos, although he claimed it was to represent a “warrior” and his military background.

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5. When his type was based purely on physical attraction…

Whenever he was asked why he chose a woman, especially Seul Ki, or his ideal type, his answers were purely based on appearance or attraction.

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6. The fact that he could never have a conversation with Seul Ki…

Although he continued to pursue Seul Ki, he pointed out they didn’t talk whenever they had one-on-one time together. Yet, they both could talk comfortably with their other love interests.

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7. Giving Min Su mixed messages

Ahead of their second date in Paradise, Jin Young discouraged Min Su from choosing him, giving opportunity for them both to talk to other people. Yet, when she chose him anyway, he “turned her down” once and for all by saying that he was so comfortable with her and time goes by so quickly when they’re together, but that he was concerned he was “too comfortable” with her.

Screen Shot 2023-01-11 at 11.25.06 AMMin Su (left) and Jin Young (right) | Netflix

8. When Jin Young was shocked (and amused) that Se Jun picked So E

Lee So E was originally rejected by Yoong Jae and never had been chosen by anyone as a potential love interest until Kim Se Jun arrived. Rather than be happy for her, he was shocked that she was chosen and even laughed about Se Jun’s choice…

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9. When he and Yoong Jae teamed up against Jong Woo

Similarly, Jong Woo had never gone to Paradise. Despite Jin Young continually expressing that he was tired of going, he and Yoong Jae (who had also already gone) teamed up against Jong Woo so that he couldn’t go with Seul Ki.

Screen Shot 2023-01-11 at 11.29.19 AMFrom left: Jin Young, Jong Woo, and Yoong Jae | Netflix

10. When Jin Young led Nadine to believe he wanted to take her to Paradise, only to reveal he wanted to go with Seul Ki (again)…

Time and time again, he communicated to Nadine that he liked her and wanted to take her to Paradise. Yet, he expressed not only to Seul Ki later on but even to Nadine that Seul Ki was his first choice.

Screen Shot 2023-01-11 at 11.33.58 AM| Netflix Screen Shot 2023-01-11 at 11.37.01 AMLee Nadine | Netflix

11. Giving Seul Ki mixed signals on the last day in Inferno

Despite continually pursuing Seul Ki, Jin Young told her on the last day that he hadn’t decided if he would pick her in the end.

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12. When Jin Young asked this inappropriate question in front of everyone, including Jong Woo

After Jong Woo asked Jin Young if they fought against each other in the men’s competition for the “same reason,” he attempted to embarrass both Jong Woo (and Seul Ki) by asking this question…

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13. When he stood next to Min Su, thanked her, and told her, “Let’s talk more when we leave Inferno”…only to reject her for another woman.

Jin Young gave mixed messages to Min Su until the very last moment.

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14. When Jin Young fooled literally everyone by standing next to Nadine at the end only to reject her for Seul Ki…

Jin Young stood next to not only Min Su before rejecting her but also Nadine, making the panelists, viewers, and fellow contestants think he had picked her rather than Seul Ki.

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