RIIZE Anton’s Handsome Visuals Shine Through In Newly Released Fan-Taken Photos

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RIIZE‘s members have been getting quite a bit of appreciation for their visuals recently, whether it’s Wonbin and his long hair and old-school handsomeness or Sohee and his adorableness. Each of the members give off different auras with their appearances, which really makes for a visually appealing and diverse group!

GBCA4bCasAADux9RIIZE | @RIIZE_official/Twitter

Recently, Anton has been drawing attention online due to pictures taken by fans that show what he looks like in real life without fancy editing and perfect lighting.

654c9420871e88462d77f0fe-pAnton (RIIZE) | SBS

The pictures were taken by various fans at various times, and differ in their quality. But Anton’s handsome appearance shines through in all of them!


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Even in the pictures with lower resolution, his sharp features and model-like proportions stand out.

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Interestingly, fans have been commenting that they think he looks like ITZY‘s Chaeryeong in these series of photos!

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Even with a mask on, it’s impossible to mistake Anton for anyone else with his distinctive and eye-catching gaze.

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Seeing him in motion is even better!

On a forum post talking about these fan-taken pictures, fans have left some comments in support of Anton and his visuals.






RIIZE definitely seems to be a K-Pop group whose handsomeness matches their musical talents!


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