“Single’s Inferno 3” Star Choi Hye Seon Gives Advice To Fan, Showcasing Her True Personality

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Netflix‘s Single’s Inferno 3 star Choi Hye Seon is encouraging her followers.

Screenshot_20240103_172727_InstagramChoi Hye Seon | @hazelchoiii/Instagram

This week, Season 3 of Single’s Inferno concluded with its finale. Fans already miss the cast, but some are preparing to deliver new content. Hye Seon posted, asking her followers to comment questions, teasing that she might soon release a Q&A video.

One of these comments was from a fan who expressed their desire to pursue a higher education, but they’re concerned about their age, especially after others’ discouragement. Hye Seon replied, encouraging the fan to follow their heart and find their happiness. She reassured the fan that 24 is still young, and even then, age shouldn’t determine whether or not they start a master’s degree.


Hye Seon garnered attention for her beauty and brains as she revealed she studies natural sciences. She previously studied at the prestigious Ehwa Women’s University, completed internships in her field, and is currently studying at another prestigious school, Durham University, in the United Kingdom, where she is completing a Master’s degree in her chosen field.

Hye Seon’s fans were so touched that she didn’t just take the time to reply. Hye Seon genuinely offered encouragement to her fan.

Her advice can also be applied to many more.


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