Netizens React To Stray Kids I.N’s True Feelings About Bang Chan

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Stray Kids‘ leader Bang Chan and maknae I.N were the most recent members of the group to appear together for the group’s original program, 2 Kids Show.

During the program, Bang Chan and I.N discussed their friendship and how their dynamic has changed from their trainee days until now.

GCWd3CtbwAAi2Z6Stray Kids’ Bang Chan (left) and I.N (right) | @Stray_Kids/Twitter

I.N established early in the episode that although he and Bang Chan are the oldest and youngest members of the group, the Stray Kids leader has always treated him as just a “team member” and “person” instead of a “younger brother.”

Their mutual respect for each other was evident throughout the episode, but when MC and fellow member Changbin posed a hypothetical question about how they would react if the other one ran away, I.N’s response had STAYs (Stray Kids’ fans) feeling emotional.

GCWd2c5bEAATEFi(From left:) Stray Kids’ I.N, Changbin, and Bang Chan | @Stray_Kids/Twitter

Changbin asked Bang Chan and I.N how they would react to each other running away.

Bang Chan had a straightforward response, explaining that if I.N ran away, it was likely because he had his own reasons for it, and he would respect that while leaving him be.

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I.N’s answer was completely different because he could never imagine Bang Chan leaving the Stray Kids members behind.

The group’s maknae reaffirmed that he would never worry about Bang Chan running away because of his dedication to the group’s members.

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Fans were emotional after hearing I.N’s confidence in the dependability of Bang Chan, who is frequently praised for how supportive and selfless he is when it comes to his fellow members.

Many left supportive comments about the Stray Kids members’ heartwarming connection.

Screenshot 2023-12-27 230427

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Screenshot 2023-12-27 230440| Stray Kids/YouTube

Check out more from Stray Kids’ fun 2 Kids Room episodes in the article below!

Stray Kids’ Lee Know Wants To Know Everything About Changbin And Felix’s Frequent Sauna Trips


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