Popular Actress Gives Birth To Healthy Daughter

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Actress Kang So Ra gave birth to a healthy daughter.

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On December 11, the actress’s label revealed that Kang So Ra and her newborn daughter were both healthy.

Kang So Ra, who gave birth to her second child, and her child are both healthy. They are recovering with family.

— Plum A&C

Kang So Ra first revealed her pregnancy in October when her pictorial with Women’s Chosun went viral. In the pictorial, the actress looked stunning while revealing a prominent “D Line.”



Meanwhile, Kang So Ra is a popular actress who first debuted in 2009. The actress would go on to star in the hit movie Sunny and K-Drama, Misaeng.

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Kang So Ra married her husband, who is 8 years older and practices traditional Korean medicine, in 2020. The actress gave birth to the couple’s first child in 2021.

136827d9-268b-408b-89f6-2bbb13c2d616Kang Sora | JoongAng Ilbo



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