“Running Man” Ji Suk Jin Asks For Understanding From ARMYs His Actions Towards BTS’s V

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BTS‘s V made a Korean comedian “sweat” after he was worried his actions would be taken the wrong way.

52d4297e91c7a502a7a5e3cc6c862186BTS’s V

Of course, ARMYs are known for being one of the most loyal and protective fandoms, and even other celebrities are “careful” when around the members. One person who was definitely “wary” and even asked for “forgiveness” was Running Man‘s Ji Suk Jin.

278508307_677491340148946_726844Comedian Ji Suk Jin | @jeeseokjin/Instagram

On December 3, V made another special appearance on the show, dazzling netizens with his visuals and charisma.

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Yet, one moment has gained attention amongst fans and Korean media outlets. During the episode, Ji Suk Jin explained, “I pretended to slap you as a joke. Your fans would understand that, right?” He definitely seemed “worried” as he spoke to V about his past actions.

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He even added, “It keeps bothering me.”

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While someone joked that it would probably be aired three times, V pretended that it still hurt my touching his cheek.

The show obviously made a clear note that V was not actually slapped, but the cast played along as they went to V, asking, “Are you okay?”

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Ji Suk Jin then hilariously kept asking V to tell everyone that he was okay and that it wasn’t a proper slap.

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The rest of the cast continued to tease Suk Jin.

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Of course, it was all light-hearted, but the reaction of Suk Jin shows the real power of ARMYs.


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