Netizens In Disbelief At How Actor Song Kang Feels About His Visuals

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Actor Song Kang made waves with his visuals ever since his debut. He first stepped onto the screen with Netflix‘s Love Alarm. Although he didn’t make it to the end with the female lead, he won the hearts of the viewers instead.

love-alarm-song-kangSong Kang in Love Alarm.

Since then, he’s played even more hit roles. His chemistry with Han So Hee in Nevertheless was highly raved about.

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 2.37.48 PMSong Kang and Han So Hee. | Netflix

His latest role is as Gu Won, a hot demon, opposite Kim Yoo Jung in My Demon.


He sat down for an interview recently, to which the journalist questioned him on his visuals. Just how does Song Kang feel about his own looks?

I’m not sure. I think I’m not totally satisfied. I do think that handsome a little of the times. There’s still parts I’m lacking in, so I’m going to the dermatologist and getting upkeep. I thought that the lighting and camera team works hard. I’m also trying to have a good mindset of going to the gym regularly. I also heard that you can slow ageing by doing half-body baths, so I’m trying that recently. And I’m also recently trying to be vegetarian, but I’ll start tomorrow. I’ve failed a couple of times already.

— Song Kang

Netizens were in disbelief at his answer.

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 2.38.03 PMNetizen comments. | theqoo
  • Kang, have a conscience.
  • He’s the one top by my standards.
  • His life must be fun.
  • Another one who doesn’t know where he stands…
  • I’ll be completely satisfied on your behalf.
  • ??^^
  • He has no conscience. He’s the most handsome recently.

With such pretty-boy looks, it’s surprising that he isn’t satisfied with his visuals!



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