Jung Woo Sung Gives His Honest Thoughts About Actors Asking Fans To Watch Their Movies In Theaters

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Actor Jung Woo Sung gave his honest opinion to his junior actors. Recently, he appeared on singer Sung Si Kyung’s YouTube channel and talked about his new movie, 12.12: The Day.

wooActor Jung Woo Sung | 성시경 SUNG SI KYUNG/YouTube

When asked about the movie, Jung replied, “It is a film that explores human nature rather than judging historical events. From a certain moment, I played the role of a beggar on the scene. A role that keeps calling and accessing, a human figure trying to break through helplessness.”

woo2Actor Jung Woo Sung | 성시경 SUNG SI KYUNG/YouTube

Jung also revealed that he watches Korean movies regularly at the theater whenever he can. At the same time, he stated, “Slogans saying that Korean movies are having a hard time and to please come watch our movie are meaningless and shameful.”

woo3Actor Jung Woo Sung | 성시경 SUNG SI KYUNG/YouTube

He revealed the harsh reality of the movie world, “Suddenly, on-site ticket reservations became easier. There were no more sofas to sit on while waiting for movies. I know this because I am an actor who watches all the movies in theaters. I wonder how many actors feel this.”

woo4Actor Jung Woo Sung | 성시경 SUNG SI KYUNG/YouTube

He continued, “Actors only say ‘Please come to the theater’ when their movie is being released in theaters. I want to say honestly (to my juniors), ‘Do you go to the theater to watch a Korean movie when it’s released?’”

He advised, “You should definitely go see other actors, other Korean films, small films, low-budget films, and be a part of the audience.”

Meanwhile, Jung appears in the new K-drama Tell Me That You Love Me and revealed he stopped drinking for five months to film this drama.


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