A Beautiful Korean Woman Went Viral For Resembling A Popular Actress

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A Korean woman made headlines for her insane visuals and uncanny resemblance to actress Kim Da Mi.

kim da miActress Kim Da Mi | ANDMARQ

The actress is best known for her lead roles in Itaewon Class and Our Beloved Summer.


The woman in question, Ahn Ro Sa, gained attention after she appeared on television personality Tak Jae Hoon‘s YouTube show, Eulji-Ro Boss Tak to promote an anti-hair loss product. On the show, civilians who have products or something they wish to advertise but don’t have an audience for are invited to promote their goods.

youtubeAhn Ro Sa | YouTube

The 24-year-old’s gorgeous visuals didn’t go unnoticed by anyone, including Tak Jae Hoon himself. He told Ahn Ro Sa, “If this makes it onto broadcast, I think your popularity will go through the roof.”

youtube| YouTube

Ahn Ro Sacaptivated the viewers with her unique charms, showing off numerous talents such as the imitation of the adorable League of Legends character, Teemo.

youtubeAhn So Ra imitating Teemo | YouTube

Viewers of this episode couldn’t help but be floored by her visuals, commenting on her beauty. Some of the viewers even compared her looks to that of actress Kim Da Mi.

comments| YouTube
  • “Wow…she’s prettier than most celebrities”
  • “I would believe it if Ahn Ro Sa-nim introduced herself as a rookie actress. She’s really pretty. She looks like Kim Da Mi, but she’s prettier.”
  • “She’s so cute, is she even real.”
  • “Instead of a celebrity, they should use Ahn Ro Sa-nim as the product’s model…she’s so pretty.”
  • “I think she’s the prettiest client I’ve ever seen. Holy crap.”
youtubeCaption: “Isn’t she so pretty? Isn’t she so sweet?” | YouTube

What do you all think? Do you think she looks like Kim Da Mi? You can watch the full episode down below and decide for yourself.


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