Learn More About The “Special Duty Team” That BTS’s V Applied For In The Military

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BTS’s V is set to enlist in the military on December 5, 2023. He applied for the anti-terrorism SDT “special duty team,” which is directly under the Blue House. The team is known to have a stringent application process, and an even stricter training program. Read on to find out more about the special task force.

The SDT’s duties cover combatting terrorism, guarding important personnel, arrest of severe crime, saving hostages, and more. The highest level tasks and matters needing high security are given to the SDT.

IMG_4037The SDT in training. | theqoo

Due to the demands of the job, the SDT’s training is harsher than other teams’. They have to undergo stamina training to raise their limits, special martial arts and sniper skills, how to rappel down buildings and helicopters, and more.

IMG_4038The SDT in training. | theqoo

There are some benefits of course. The SDT’s base has the most trigged out gym facilities out of all the bases. They also have the best cafeteria food!

V is not the only celebrity in the force. Previously, his bestie from Wooga Squad, Park Hyungsik, also applied for the SDT. He underwent his training in the Kangwon-do base.

IMG_4036Park Hyung Sik in the SDT. | theqoo

To get a place in the SDT, one has to apply personally. If they pass the documents stage, they have to sit for a practical test.

Wishing V all the best in the SDT!


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