What Happened When EXO’s Baekhyun Realized Just How Tall TXT’s Yeonjun Really Was?

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Back when EXO made their much-anticipated comeback with “Obsession”, there was an interview segment on SBS‘s Inkigayo to promote the comeback, and they ran into TXT‘s Yeonjun and Soobin, who were special MCs for the day. A moment between Baekhyun and Yeonjun had fans laughing at the interaction.

txt yeonjun

At the beginning of the segment, Baekhyun received the first hint that Yeonjun was tall. He didn’t have to try hard to hide behind him before EXO were introduced. It wasn’t at that moment he realized, though.

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As soon as Yeonjun started talking, now beside them, Baekhyun couldn’t peel his eyes away from him. He was the tallest one among them.

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His funny expression had fans wondering if he was more shocked by Yeonjun’s tall height or simply thought he was adorable.

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Since TXT are all very tall, especially for their young ages, it’s no wonder Baekhyun would be just a bit shook.

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Watch Baekhyun have only eyes for Yeonjun here.


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