Super Junior’s Eunhyuk Sends Ryeowook A Coffee Truck…But Without The Coffee

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Super Junior is known for their funny personalities and close friendships. So fans were entertained, but not surprised when Eunhyuk decided to play a prank on Ryeowook to celebrate Ryeowook’s solo comeback.

IMG_3894Ryeowook and Eunhyuk. | Pinterest

Ryeowook has just made a comeback with the song “It’s okay.” He set off for his first music show performance on November 24, 2023. When he got there, he realized that Eunhyuk had sent him a coffee truck! A coffee truck is a common way to show support. The main banner touchingly read, “Please show, our Ryeowook’s ‘It’s okay’ lots of love.

IMG_3892| theqoo

To Ryeowook’s surprise, there was a truck…


…but no coffee!

The name of Ryeowook’s song in Korean literally translates to “you don’t have to do anything.” Eunhyuk took that a little too seriously! The second banner on the side of the truck reads, “You said that I don’t have to do anything, so there’s nothing here.”


Ryeowook’s look of disbelief was priceless! We can only imagine how tickled Eunhyuk must have been. There’s truly no group like them.


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