Chinese Live Streamer Earns $14 Million USD A Week Promoting Products For Just 3 Seconds Each

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A Chinese live streamer is earning millions despite her unusual work style.

Zheng Xiang Xiang is only one of many influencers in China who make a living by selling things online. But while most influencers go in depth about the products on hand—usually giving in-depth descriptions and replying to live comments—Zheng does the opposite.


Each item only gets roughly three seconds of air time each. Whether it’s period pads, a tank top, a jacket, or a broom, they appear on camera for roughly the same amount of time.

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Throughout the show, her assistant always passes her an orange box which contains the product. She then picks it up, mentions its price (usually around CN¥ 10 or $1.40 USD), and abruptly throws it aside.

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Despite the minimal exposure, whatever she promotes always sells out almost immediately.

Zheng reportedly earns around $14 million USD in one week alone!

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