One Savage Comment From TWICE’s Jeongyeon Almost Made J.Y. Park Delete His Viral Video

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J.Y. Park, also known as Park Jin Young, is the founder of JYP Entertainment. Besides being their former head, he is also a soloist who has released hit songs such as “When We Disco” and “Who’s Your Mama?”

Recently, he appeared on the interview program of GOT7‘s BamBam who used to be signed under his label. They talked about a variety of topics ranging from their relationship as former boss and employee, their current careers, and other random and fun moments they’ve experienced.

Regarding the latter, BamBam brought up J.Y. Park’s viral “Slick Back” TikTok dance challenge.

You filmed a ‘Slick Back’ dance clip, right? People are reacting to it a lot.

— BamBam

Though it started out normally enough…

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…the highlight of this clip was when he skipped around a circle with large, exaggerated movements.

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Netizens weren’t the only ones who found it funny, with several JYP Entertainment K-Pop idols joking that he has “nice hair” and that “shoes are not allowed in the practice room.”

jyp comments

One particular comment from TWICE‘s Jeongyeon, however, left him reeling.

Jeongyeon said ‘PD, I think you need to practice more…’

— J.Y. Park


376724406_303418665622832_3183418578658693279_nJeongyeon | @jy_piece/Instagram

It was a moment when the student and mentor switched places! The man in question was so affected by her words, he wondered if he should delete the video.

I was like, ‘Should I delete it?’

— J.Y. Park

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Because J.Y. Park did not delete the video, however, it jumped from 10 million views at the time the interview was filmed to 25 million views and counting at present.


안 본 사람 없게 해주세요 ???? 크록스???? #슬릭백 ????‍♂️ #slickback #초전도체 #공중부양 #JYPark #박진영 #ChangedMan #체인지드맨 @wm87.4

♬ original sound – HYMU

Check out the full interview below to learn more about J.Y. Park.


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