Rookie Boy Group Members Get “Drag” Makeovers

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In a new YouTube video, the rookie boy group XODIAC members were given makeovers!


Boy group XODIAC debuted under One Cool Jacso on April 25, 2023, with the single “Throw A Dice.” In October, the group made their first comeback with Only Fun. 

To promote the album, members Leo, Beomsoo, and Davin appeared on Edward Avila‘s YouTube channel in a video titled “I am now officially a drag mother.

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In drag culture, older, more experienced queens will take younger, newer queens under their wings and help them with styling and make-up, among many other things. With the video’s title, Edward says he became a drag mother by helping the members of XODIAC with make-up outside of what they would normally do.

The group were a bit shy at first but warmed up as Edward did their make-up.

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Towards the end of the video, as their make-up was completed, viewers were given a before and after look at each member. Leo had an edgier look featuring a lip ring…

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…while Beomsoo had a blush-centered look similar to the ones popular with girl groups at the moment…

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…and Davin’s look was on the “natural” side.

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While their looks weren’t the traditional “drag” make-up one might think of, they all looked great trying out something new!

You can check out the full video below.



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