Netizens Blame Exorbitant Ticket Prices For TXT’s “Low” Concert Sales Numbers

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The average cost of K-Pop concert tickets has been going through the roof lately, for events both in South Korea as well as internationally. It’s become a big enough problem that more and more fans have started complaining about being unable to justify paying so much for just one concert experience, and it seems to be impacting concert sales too.

Back in early September, TXT announced their ACT: SWEET MIRAGE world tour finale at Gocheok Sky Dome. The two-day event will be held on December 2 and 3, with the capacity of the arena being around 25,000 attendees.

Recently, a post was made on an online forum that claims to show the group’s “low” ticket sales for the concert, using screenshots of fourth-level seating charts that seemingly show many empty (green) seats.

image| Pann Nate image (1)| Pann Nate image (2)| Pann Nate image (3)| Pann Nate

Based on this information alone, some netizens have left comments on the post blaming ridiculous concert ticket prices for the seemingly low sales numbers. And considering these fourth-level tickets are selling for about 160,000 won (~$121 USD), it’s no surprise that not many people would want to pay such a high price for such low visibility.










However, there is more to the story. The original tickets for the two-day event actually sold out earlier this month, and this seating chart shows the sales for additional seating that was added on after the show sold out.

Others left comments accusing the post of spreading misinformation, as TXT actually had no problem selling out their original venue in a very short period of time despite high ticket prices.






Regardless of how quickly an artist is able to sell out concert tickets, the issue of overpriced events is still a problem that hopefully gets resolved before too long!


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