Sandara Park Is A “Big Fan” Of 2PM’s Taecyeon…And His Filipino Doppelganger

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Sandara Park (2NE1‘s Dara) is the latest guest to appear on BamHouse, the interview show hosted by GOT7‘s BamBam. At one point, she was asked to name the places she wants to visit the most in the Philippines.

Instead of naming an island that she wanted to see in person, Sandara chose a person—the doppelganger of 2PM‘s Taecyeon!

I want to see Cebu’s Ok Taecyeon.

— Sandara

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According to her, “Cebu Taecyeon” is apparently a viral sensation in South Korea. Locals love the close resemblance between him and the K-Pop idol.

BamBam: Isn’t he famous nowadays?

Sandara: Filipinos don’t know. He’s only famous in Korea.

374608202_326385319909868_202635288350306369_n“Cebu Taecyeon” | @oktaecyeon_cebu_cch/Instagram FGKHKS9UUAASLN82PM’s Taecyeon

Sandara added that she almost asked Taecyeon himself if he was aware that he has a doppelganger.

Last time in airport, in front me, there was Ok Taecyeon. He was quite far away…I was like ‘Cebu Taecyeon’ [in my head] and I wanted to say hi. I was like ‘Long time no see’ and I really wanted to ask if he knows Cebu Taecyeon.

— Sandara

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As she was not yet close to Taecyeon, she held herself back from pushing the topic.

But I’m not that close to ask him about that so I couldn’t ask.

— Sandara

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Finally, she ended with a video message dedicated to the 2PM singer. She even mentioned that she was a fan of both him and his doppelganger!

Taecyeon. Long time no see. Do you know Cebu Ok Taecyeon? I’m a big fan of both of you.

— Sandara

dara taecyeon

Learn more about “Cebu Taecyeon” below.

A Handsome “Filipino Taecyeon” Goes Viral For His Uncanny Resemblance To The 2PM Singer


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