BTS Jin’s Unbelievable Physical Strength Showcased During Army Training

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Last year, in December, BTS’s oldest member, Jin, enlisted in the military for his mandatory service of 18 months.

weverse_4-257360562 (1)BTS’s Jin | Weverse

Since then, fans have gotten a few glimpses of the singer’s whereabouts either through updates shared by the idol himself or through stories from soldiers who met him during their service.

In a recent post on the popular Korean community forum, Nate Pann, a user shared some admirable details about Jin in the military. The original poster (OP) mentioned that these stories were actually from their boyfriend, whose senior trained in the same division where Jin is serving.

jin1 (8)BTS’s Jin with J-Hope (left) and Jimin (right) | @jin/Instagram

Currently, the BTS member is working as a teaching assistant in the Fifth Infantry Division in Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi-do. According to OP, he is very kind to trainees and has bought them snacks multiple times. After the completion ceremony, he even gifted snail creams to the parents of all the trainees. OP’s boyfriend mentioned that he is always nice to the people around him and never gets angry.

weverse_2-270758218 (1)BTS’s Jin with WINNER’s Yoon | Weverse

OP’s boyfriend also described Jin as “a hundred times more handsome than on screen.” He was especially enamored by the idol’s “amazing back muscles.”

jin1 (11)| @jin/Instagram

But the story that left netizens the most impressed was about Jin’s unbelievable physical strength. His unit was able to successfully conclude a 20 km march in full combat gear weighing around 20-30 kgs each, owing to his extraordinary muscle power.

During the full march of troops, the rules say that in case a soldier falls down, their gears are held by the assistant drill instructor. Jin picked up the gears of three such soldiers and finished the 20 km march carrying such heavy weight!

The story has left ARMYs in awe, who can’t help but wonder if post-military Jin would be even more buff than BTS’s very own muscle-bunny Jungkook!

Read more about Jin’s military life here.


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